Jackson Davis & the Jackettes



The Jackettes are not so much a band as they are an attempt to give form to the passion felt for the music that we have come to know and love in our human existence. Like a child trying on their father’s too-big suit and tie or a group of toddlers shoulder-stacked under a baggy trench coat– we are youthfully attempting to carry the glimmering torch of our musical ancestors. This is an effort to give the world her next “classic sound.” We love it all: from the tender ballads of the Great American Songbook, to the unpredictable antics of a swinging 70’s r&b diva mythical and real….and we feel a strong obligation and connection to those of the yester-world to make music with those same characteristics. A sound that transcends being accepted and understood. We are humans struggling under the weight of living and dying. We are made by a great creator trying to be as creative. So it goes. The music we create embodies the out of touch, out of sync, misunderstood hysterical breakdown of simply living- to unite us.